Contents & Algorithms
Constantly evolving and at times faltering, algorithms (algos) for ranking, indexing and providing answers on SERPs are at the center of search engine optimization. Also known as SEO, it is indispensable part of Digital Marketing. Webmasters or Seo consultants are always on their toes to keep abreast of changes made by search engines to their algos some of which are subtly disclosed while many need smart exercise to decipher.
Metrics involved in ranking and indexing are never disclosed. Following the guidelines - often elaborated - regarding optimizing a website is not an option rather it is a must. But we know that internal and external links and contents matter. Contents on website are as important as those associated with the links during off page promotion. This is what marketing focus is on at present.
Content on a website is most important, and they should be well written, properly formatted, informative and unique. Remember the write up is to provide an answer to a users query. They are certainly not to test the readers attention span and entertain without purpose. If you are providing the most suited answer to the users query than for that term you will rank without much efforts. If a lot many sites are doing the same than metrics come into play.
Generally very long write ups are a turn off until unless they are expanding the relevance or adding to related information. Attributes like videos, images and graphics add to increase the readers interest hence the attention span. This could also reduce the bounce rate.
"If you use keywords properly you can answer the query in a short passage. Thus if you wish to focus a page on few more terms write short passages on a page...relevant to each other and the main topic of the page."
Though we always emphasize on inclusion of keywords they are not necessary if the writing is apt. But inadvertently keywords creep in. If they are in limits of natural expression it works wonders but if you saturate and repeat them in the write up excessively your page could be penalized or ignored?
But is is a good exercise to find search terms that elaborate the topic on a web page. They could be included on the title and tags naturally. They are useful whence you wish to state what the page is all about in the title and tags. This applies to the anchor text as well in the external and interlinks.
Remember naturally obtained links are most powerful, full of juice and effective in placing the site on the top whence searched using relevant terms. This is possible if the visitors find your site very useful.
For page contents semantic indexing is more important since it informs the search engines as well as the visitors about the search intent i.e is what the page means. Natural inclusion of related phrases or words describing the topic is very important hence you should be writing for the reader and not for search engines.
When you are shaping a campaign for optimization the first step is keyword analysis and research. This comes about first by understanding the topic regarding its focus. Since a topic may be subdivided into many related matters it is a must to sit down with the client and find out the exact topic for each page.
This is if the contents have not been written and the project is on a white board stage. If they are already on board then you should straightaway start with analysis and research. This will help you give a closer feel of the topic and what is being talked about.
Why are we talking about contents in relation with accumulating keywords for web page?
Well both are strongly interrelated keywords, are more like a synopsis of content. In short/long phrase or even in single word they will help your visitor and search engines understand the topic. Seo is topic relevant without relevancy in content marketing your campaign will fail.
Actually if you are creating a list of keywords than you should discover those strictly relevant to the contents initially. Unlike earlier times you could us a tool and amass a long list of high traffic terms for your campaign.This would not work anymore.
Response to first page keyword placement for a website is strictly dependent upon the write up. Both should be semantically related. If you do not understand this you will be wasting your time on promoting terms which are not closely related to the write up but appear to be related anyway. Hence you should focus on very strongly related words and phrases which not only respond well to your Seo campaign but also clear the intent. Hence initial exercise should land you with closely matching terms with a higher or lesser degree of competition on SERPs.
(Read article on Google Bombing to understand why distantly related terms may not work anymore.)
Thus apt content writing becomes important whence you focus on chosen terms. Go though your page well or repeatedly in order to list keywords you can rank on quickly. More distantly related terms should be worked on gradually as the campaign proceeds. Thus simply put accumulating terms for targeting a web page is a gradual process and not one day exercise. As you visit competitor pages, score the SERPS on topic and visit many social media platforms the picture of you own web page will come sharply on focus and help you avoid unproductive terms.
If you wish to increase the range of responsive terms you have to look at the page and additional write up may be required. If the addition is relevant search engines too would look favorably at your page/website.
Uday teaches Internet Marketing in Jabalpur
He provides website contents in English
He provides Internet Marketing Service
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