Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Seo Audit: Keep Check of Bandwidth

Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted from a website. For example, if the bandwidth is one then only one MB can be transmitted from the website. If you click on the website URL you will get a message that the bandwidth limit has been exceeded. In other words, it is the volume of traffic that can be sent over a connection in a measured time.

Bandwidth is usually calculated as megabits per second or Mbps. This aspect differs from speed and rather corresponds to the volume. It also differs from latency which usually is the time taken to download information. The question is how data actually gets downloaded in a fixed time and this factor is dependent upon the network speed, packet loss during the transmission, and many other factors that may hamper it.

For a single home computer bandwidth requirement may be less but if the whole family is using multiple devices like a smartphone, or laptop the number of computers than bandwidth requirement increases dramatically. hence if one resorts frequently to streaming, downloading, and gaming,  a greater amount of bandwidth may be required.            

For websites being optimized for greater traffic, the bandwidth need will increase according to the number of visitors using them. If for a long time if bandwidth remains fixed and there is a surge in traffic the invisibility of your site on SERPs will make it unpopular and will negatively impact your Seo campaign. As soon as you get the notice online that the bandwidth limit has been exceeded ask the hosting provider to increase the limit by another 25 to 30 Mbps and keep on increasing the limit till the website visibility of SERP is optimum. If the budget is low then increase the limit by 25 Mbps at a time. This will optimize the bandwidth usage and the client will not end up paying the extra charge.      

Hence while buying a hosting package always go in for higher attributes if heavy traffic and activities are assured. 

I come to an important optimization aspect if during the Seo Campaign the site ranks of terms that do not convert or do not solve the purpose then you are going to lose bandwidth hence always target well-researched terms.    


About Author

Uday provides affordable search engine optimization or SEO Services and Content for Digital Marketing. 

He also teaches Internet Marketing in summers in Jabalpur in India his hometown. 

Uday is a freelance Naturalist and birder and mixes all vocations to make a living, 

He can be contacted at:



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