Monday, November 16, 2020

Reshaping Tour Operators Website

Tour Operators Websites Review

In earlier times not long back when the Internet had sprung up and online business seemed easy to earn lucre, most the tour operators' websites offered everything under the sky in India. When the search engine companies' algorithms were at a nascent stage everything worked. But as the algos advanced they became more and more focused on this virtual information highway. 

Thus a bizarre board with mind-boggling destinations promoting a wide spectrum of travel and holiday options found low presence in the SERPs and practically no conversion. What actually worked was those placed in a niche, a well-defined spectrum of offers that actually extolled expertise and trust. This was in defiance of the norms like spaghetti where every destination and holiday type under the sky was on offer. This not only confused the algorithms but diluted the equity as well. A tour operator company offering everything helter-skelter did not express expertise and no trust. Those travel portals were more like a department store with large product lines on layers of shelves and in every nook and corner conforming to many segments and topics, a virtue must for department stores and malls but not for a website since they lacked a niche.            

Search engines are not like which can comprehend a plate containing Chinese, Indian and Intercontinental, and exotic garnish. Success on SERPs is reserved for those conforming to a niche or excel in architecture that creates perfect silos. 

SE Progression

In the initial stage search engine reacted to each word, phrase, or keyword placed on the title and meta tags besides the content in the write-up with comprehensive formatting. This came to a stop whence manipulation came into the picture and the search engine began to furbish precise answers to the query. The search engines have to pick and choose diverse and vast metrics in order to comprehensibly judge a website and rank it on the SERPs accordingly keeping in mind the attributes offered by the peer.      

Tour Options & Seo

This is the story that tour operation website owners should understand and apply with the help of webmasters or SEO consultants. Creating a niche is more effective than offering wide-scale options...and this also assists in SEOs in effectively promoting the site. Promoting large travel portals and the packages would be time-consuming and expensive keeping in mind the time and labor required. This is easy but difficult to understand especially for portal owners seeking to widen their operation everywhere in order to maximize service and earn greater amounts.           

Focus on Niche

But I would not fail to repeat that a site focused on a niche appears more trustworthy as regards the company's focus. This portrays expertise that can be believed in the virtual World. Hence few tours focused on one topic with well-written package tours along with an introduction to the destination catered is the order of the day. You can add many options if your SEO consultant is excellent at creating silos as well as creating a good architecture containing internal links. 


But nevertheless creating niche portals is a better option. This may increase investment and care but then you are not online just for charity, online business is rewarding in fact for entrepreneurs a road to enhanced success. The number of package tours should be limited with extensive details ad an anecdotal account if possible.   Add images and videos in the introduction containing descriptions of destinations and if required info-graphic. Services offered on tours places of stay, transportation, and degree of difficulty or hardship should also be mentioned along with facilities and paid services. It pays to link up the tour manager's profile and that of local guides. Also link to pages containing experiences of clients on previous tours with photographs and letters of appreciation etc.         

Creating An Optimum Site  

Thus if you are a wildlife tour operator creating a site each for birding and animal watching is more rewarding. Hence create a separate site for safari hotels associated with wildlife tourism. Though these are topic relevant but clubbing all of them in one portal dilutes focus, weakens authority, and enhances optimization inputs. Adding well-written content and optimized attributes in the shape of images and videos will increase conversions and reduce the bounce rate appreciably. 

For service-oriented websites accreditation are a must or I would say indispensable besides authentic testimonials and reviews on trusted websites. All external information and knowledge-based text should be strongly focused on the topic or niche.      


About Author

Uday provides affordable search engine optimization or SEO Services and Content for Digital Marketing. 

He also teaches Internet Marketing in summers in Jabalpur in India his hometown. 

Uday is a freelance Naturalist and birder and mixes all vocations to make a living, 

He can be contacted at:


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