Monday, January 28, 2019

SEO: Why Sudden Traffic Fall?

Why does your rankings and subsequently the traffic fizzle down one fine day? 

Well for search engine optimizers this is a big set back and lot of questions asked by the client has to be answered. 

Well if this happens firsts inspect the whole site do you find some elements missing especially the title tag and the meta? Is the content missing from some pages? Subsequently check the whole ranking chart in order to find in which terms you have rolled down. A major error could mean downslide in very large number of terms. 

Then move to the search console to find out the number of pages and which one have gone out of index. Inspect the Crawling through the attribute and use Fetch as function for each and every page.

Check pages for noindex meta if wrongly inserted. Also check the robot.txt file if wrong command is present...this can happen during the edits or can be a mistake made by the web designer. Discuss with him.  And yes check that Google Analytic Code is inserted properly in each and every page if the rankings seem to be unstable.

I hope you have been frequently taking care of broken links and 404s! 

Major changes to the site during redesigning can occur by error or by intent. Keep title, meta and content stable in the new format and see that the link architecture remains stable as well. As a regulatory measure site changes, migration etc should happen under your supervision strictly!   

Unprecedented errors can creep in the designing and coding, aspects that are being handled by web designer...which is most likely to be. Also go through the site to check for proper search terms being in the alt tags. Keep checking the download speed of your pages and the mobile friendliness.

Also keep in reckoning the performance of your web host....has the website had a stable performance due to good hosting. Also check for malware using a good anti-malware and antivirus.

Another crucial aspect is to check for ads above the fold. In their greed clients often insert Ads above the fold which is going to invite a sure shot penalty.

Also recheck if all the aspect of the website are following the search engine guidelines I mean the current ones. This is done to be assured of penalties that the bots can subject your site to and also check for manual penalty...often Google will inform you if that has taken place. 

Check you link profile thoroughly and use Disvow tool to remove any suspected external linking.  In case of a major drop do send a reconsideration request to the admins. Keep in mind link building in the present context is driven by quality and not quantity. Cheap links are a disaster for SEO practices there is no doubt about this anymore. 

Sometimes authoritative external backlinks may go missing if the provider has placed your link in archive or simply removed it and the content associated with a matter of policy. You can request reinsertion but it is better to keep building qualitative links as a SEO measure. Do not be dependent upon few links.

Check always for duplicate content and all you pages being on site. Sometime site owners having many sites can insert pages from one site to another meaning the same page is within the architecture of each site. Each page on a website should be unique the solution is very simple. 

Sometimes due to some arrangement with a vendor or an agent your site content could be placed on his or her site with the know of the webmaster. In this case if the bots construe the content on the agents/vendors site as original you are doomed. Do not place your content on another site come what may. Ask your content writer to keep busy and churn contents for placement elsewhere.       

Complacency sets in whence you begin generating high traffic for your client site. This is one step close to disaster to frequent SEO audit or check to remain stable.

Find out if major algorithm changes have been brought about by search engines. If so learn to enhance your SEO technique accordingly.

Ranking and Traffic is never stable so as a webmaster always be on alert.

Uday provides optimized contents in English for websites. 
He provides Digital Marketing Services(SEO).
He teaches Digital Marketing in Jabalpur
Mob: 09755089323  

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