Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Who Are Social Media Influencers and What is Influencer Marketing

 It takes expertise, authority, and knowledge to become an influencer. The most important aspect of an influencer is the power to persuade and influence. These are people with a reputation and expertise built over a number of years in a niche.   

It is hard work for social media who have built their standing among a large number of followers in any social media. These followers have been accumulated through the constant publication of content on feeds and groups. Generally, expertise is built on a niche that the influencer has expertise and authority on.   

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is using the services of the influencer who have a large base and are in the position to promote your service and brand among their followers. There are two plus points that these people have and that are, a large constantly growing follower base and high traffic to their blog and social media base.  Another important aspect that influencers hold is the power to convince people to create affinity with the client's service and convert.

 Thus if you have these qualities and convert people to buy products and services you can enter this business and earn. To do this one needs to create amazing content and post regularly on social media feeds. While consistency is important you must come out as someone with authority on the topic and followers should begin to believe you. 

 Types of Influencers

Social Media influencers have the power to create trends and popularize a niche. Brands love social media influencers because of their ability and their capacity to sell or create affinity. 

You have to judge influencers by types or niches, the number of followers and traffic on their blogs and social media sites, and their capacity to convert.   


Mega influencers are people with a vast number of followers and traffic. Mega-influencers have more than 1 million followers on at least one social media. These are generally celebrities who are famous offline but then their expertise in the niche is in doubt.

Only major brands should approach mega-influencers Their services will be costly, and they may be fussy as celebrities are. They generally have agents who market them.


Macro-influencers are one step down from the mega-influencers with followers in the range between 40,000 and 1 million followers on a social network. They may be celebrities with a high profile who have made it halfway or online experts with great followings. They are people to engage in their knowledge, expertise, and authority is assured. They are good for creating awareness.


Micro-influencers are ordinary everyday people and niche experts and may have an excellent relationship with their followers. Although views differ, you could consider micro-influencers as having between 1,000 and 40,000 followers on a single social platform. The following may be small but the micro-influencer may be with a community of strong believers promising higher engagement and conversion.


Nano influencers have a small number of followers, but they tend to be experts in obscure or highly specialized fields. Remember nano influences follow a niche. Though their base is small they have followers who listen to them.

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