Friday, April 21, 2023

6 Impactful Meta Description Tips to Increase CTRs

The first thing a person sees when he searches on the SERP is the meta description. Thus it is important to get it right and effective. Though it is not impactful in SEO or rankings it certainly boosts the click-through rate. Thus it can drive organic traffic. Usually, the description is written using 256 or fewer characters. 

How to write a better meta description 

1. Create a Meta Description

Write a meta description that describes the page. It should make visitors accurately understand your page well and should click on the page. It may be a challenge to write a meta description for newbies but make a sincere effort. If a meta description is absent Google pulls any content from the page that it thinks is appropriate. Thus visitors may not be tempted to click on your page.   

2. Create *Unique* Meta Descriptions

The meta description should be unique and they should be present on all website pages.  Meta description of all pages should be describing the page content well and they should be unique. Many webmasters add the same meta description to all pages this is a grave mistake.  This is a bad cut-and-paste job.

3. Keep it Brief

If you're searching for 'how to write a meta description', one of the first things to come up is how long the description should be. It should not be less than 150 words add the phone number at the end. Use words than numbers. Cut off the fluff, stop words, and useless words.  

4. Use a call-to-action

A call-to-action is a word or phrase that encourages a customer to take a particular action. For example:

Learn more

Buy now

Sign up


Adding a call-to-action, typically at the end of your meta description, can help persuade web users to click on your web link.

5. Be Relevant

While it's important to entice visitors to click on your site, do not trick visitors into clicking on your site it will create a high bounce rate. 

6. Show off Your Unique Selling Point

Show off your KPIS.  Remember you are competing with hundreds of competitors

All professional marketing firms in digital promotions should keep these in practice. A meta description may not be a ranking factor yet it has an important role to play.

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