Friday, December 20, 2019

SEO Audit: Status Codes & Redirects

What are status codes? A server response to browsers request!

Whenever you query using a web browser you get a response from a server which is usually a web page which the search engine algorithms have indexed and ranked and the reply is a fitting acnswer to the query. In most of the web browsers you get ten answers as web page.

If  type a web page URL on the search column of the browser you will see the page if it is active. But if the page does not respond you will get a status code detailing the status recieved from the server. This is the response code or status code we are discussing here.  You will on most instance not notice the code.Redirects are placed/coded in server headers.

Types of Status Code

200 OK - Everything is all right please here is your page.

301 Redirect Moved Permenantly-   Page has moved permenantly to another location or URL. This is often used whence the URL or domain has changed and the link value of old has to be transferred to new. This is a useful redirect for SEO consultants whence dealing a change of their client website. The 301 redirect code is usually set up in the server to direct the search engine bot to new domain or Webpage. The coding differs depending upon the server type.

*Note in case the hosting server is changed than this is not applicable as the domain IP Address and Hosting Server IP Address are clubbed together.

302 Redirect Moved Temporarily- In this case the page has been temporarily for perhaps a short period of time.

401 Status Code prevents entry of the visitors and requires uername and password

403 Status Code prevents entry by all means.

404 Status Code this is a dead end code and used whence the webpage exists no more. The status is uncertain unlike in the case of 410 Status Code whence the server knows that this page is no more.

500 Internal Server Error something wrong at the server end.

503 Service Unavailable when service from server end is not available for some reason.

  • 303 – see other.
  • 307 – temporary redirect that works with HTTP/1.1.
  • 308 – that is a permanent redirect but according to another RFC.

There are tools to check status of response besides online services.

check response code 

Uday provides Digital Marketing (SEO) Service and website contents in English.
He teaches Digital Marketing in Jabalpur his home town in India.
Mobile: 9755089323 

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